Young woman, curly hair, sitting on rug using a laptop

Learn about STIs

STIs (sexually transmitted infections), also known as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are bacteria or viruses that can be transmitted during forms of sexual contact. The most common STIs are chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, herpes and HPV

All STIs can be treated, cured or managed, you just need to know you have them. This is why we encourage people having sex to get tested every 3-6 months, or between every new partner.

Order a free test kit




Order a free test kit * CLICK HERE *

Do I need an STI test?

Not everyone shows early symptoms of STIs, so the only way to know for sure is to get tested. 

If the answer to any of the below questions is yes, we recommend you get tested to be sure. You can order a free test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea here.

Have you…

  • Not had a negative STI test in the last six months?

  • Had at least one new sexual partner since your last test?

  • Ever had unprotected sex (i.e. not used condoms / dental dams?)

  • Had a partner test positive for an STI?


Contact us for support or if you have any questions